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Tourism Gangneung EN - 솔향강릉

Travel to Gangneung

Prepare for your trip to Gangneung

Travel to Gangneung 페이지 배경 사진

01 Ojukheon House & Ojukheon Municipal Museum

The Ojukheon House, designated as Treasure No. 165 in 1963, was the birthplace of Sin Saimdang (1504~1551), who has long been regarded as the “ideal mother figure” by the people of Korea, and her son, Yulgok Yi Yi (1536~1584). Its name, Ojukheon, was given based on the pseudonym assumed by Gwon Cheo-gyun, a second cousin of Yulgok, because there were many bamboos that were black, just like crows, around the house.

#Sin Saimdang #Yulgok Yi Yi #black bamboos #crows
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02 Seongyojang House

This is a typical home of the gentry dating from the late Joseon period. It is comprised of a number of buildings including Dongbyeoldang, Yeolhwadang, Hwallaejeong and Sadang (shrine). There are around 8,000 artifacts including day-to-day items, artworks and clothes that have been well-preserved.

#house of the gentry #Important Folk Material No. 5 #folk items #traditional furniture
  • Address 63, Unjeong-gil, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do
  • Call 033-648-5303(Seongyojang House), 033-640-5580(Culture and Arts Division)
  • Website http://www.knsgj.net
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03 Gyeongpo Wetland

This area was established to restore the lake ecosystem near Gyeongpo and create a habitable environment for a wide range of aquatic organisms. The salinity of the Gyeongpoho Lake was lowered and the water was allowed to flow out, instead of remaining stagnant. There is an open public square as well as facilities where people can observe the wetland ecosystem.

#Euryale ferox wetland #wetland ecosystem
  • Address 670, Unjeong-dong, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do
  • Call 033-660-2668
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04 Gyeongpodae Pavilion & Gyeongpoho Lake

Gyeongpodae Pavilion is arguably the best of the 8 scenic spots of Gwandong, and it is a place where you can see the moon in five spots: the sky, the sea, the lake, a liquor glass and eyes of your beloved. The Gyeongpoho Lake is 4.3km in circumference, and it contains Hongjangam Rock, which is associated with a heart-wrenching love story.

#8 scenic spots of Gwandong #romance #five moon spots
  • Address 365, Gyeongpo-ro, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do
  • Call 033-640-5119
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05 Charmsori Gramophone & Edison Science Museum

This is the world’s largest gramophone museum, with around 4,500 exhibits including the first gramophone developed by Thomas Edison on display. It has excellent value as a place of education that sheds light on the history and development of the gramophone.

#Thomas Edison #gramophone
참소리축음기 · 에디슨영화박물관 사진1

06 Heo Gyun and Heo Nanseolheon Memorial Park

This is a memorial park that contains the former home of Heo Nanseolheon (1563~1589), a poet of the Joseon Dynasty, and Heo Gyun, the author behind Hong Gildong jeon (The Story of Hong Gildong), as well as a memorial hall dedicated to the two. The house has been designated as Cultural Material No. 59, while the memorial hall has been established as a cultural site to honor the literary achievements of Heo Gyun and Heo Nanseolheon.

#Heo Nanseolheon #Heo Gyun #Hong Gildong jeon (The Story of Hong Gildong) #literature
  • Address 1-29, Nanselheon-ro 193beon-gil, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do
  • Call 033-640-4798
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07 Gyeongpo Beach

Gyeongpo Beach has a long stretch of a sandy beach alongside the sea. Here, you can find Gyeongpodae Pavilion, which is the most famous of the 8 scenic spots of Gwandong, and the beach feels extra cozy as it is surrounded by pine trees, which are reminiscent of an exquisite folding screen. It is considered one of the best beaches on the east coast because of the relatively shallow water, white sandy beach, and perfect water temperature.

#Sea #the 8 scenic spots of Gwandong #pine
  • Address San 1-9, Anhyeon-dong, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do
  • Call 033-640-4531
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